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Established in 1994 from humble DIY beginnings, this company are one of the largest manufacturers of Hi-Fi in China and certainly have one of  the largest range of electronics inside or indeed outside of China, based in the art district of Beijing housed in modernised buildings that belie the myth often talked about Chinese production and encompasses a huge range of electronics that are sold world wide in selected domestic voltages especially tailored for that specific country unlike a vast majority of Chinese imports that are designed for 220 volts only [Please be aware that when devices run on higher voltages than intended they can overheat and cause components to break down, sometimes with dramatic consequences,our advice is== don't risk it!!] .

 We have been importing the range since 2003 and grown with them as the ranges get bigger and bigger as does our inventory, ranging from turntables to the very latest digital streaming devices, we tend to concentrate on the valve amplifier designs instead of solid state as these enjoy a greater demand here in the UK and are ultimately more enjoyable to listen to.

 For all enquiries regarding solid state amplifiers, please contact us directly.   Link to Range Brochure

Link to the company website==

Link to a factory visit by Robert Harley [TAS/Stereophile]

 Recent event at the factory and showroom

Link to product reviews